Monthly Archives: March 2013

Welcome to Our Worlds of the Imagination & Happy Holiday

Welcome to Worlds of the Imagination, the home of the Fantasy Folk, a group of authors who read, write, and love scifi/fantasy. Tomorrow, we begin regular posts on our new blog. Those posts will reflect our various interests. As the author of fantasy worlds filled with vampires, Light Warriors, shapeshifters, and mythological figures, I’m interested in world building, mythology, culture, and history, especially the more risqué aspects you won’t find in a history book. Mondays are mine. Please visit often (the FOLLOW icon in the left column) and comment when you’re here. Click on our name icons to visit our webpages or on our book covers to read an excerpt or buy. Until tomorrow, a bit about Easter.

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In the Christian religion, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter for western Christians occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox. Easter is a major Christian holiday that is celebrated through religious services and traditions that have evolved over the centuries.

One tradition is the exchange of cards with Easter symbols and messages. My ancestors, packrats all, must have saved every card they ever received. I plan to share some of their vintage postcards occasionally. The Easter card above dates to about 1910. The cards were filled with Christian symbols. Eggs have been a symbol of spring since ancient, pre-Christian times. An egg is also a symbol of the rock tomb out of which Christ arose from the dead. A chick, soon to hatch out of the egg, also symbolizes new life or re-birth. The lambs represent Jesus, “the Lamb of God.” The child leading the lamb is also a symbol of new life.  For a risqué Easter card, check out my webpage HERE. Ignore the trashy bling on my webpage – I have a book release tomorrow

Tomorrow, My first Monday post—The Aegis.


“Celebrating Romance Across the Ages” with Rita Bay’s Blog

“The Aegis” Champagne Books, April, 2013
“Her Teddy Bare” Champagne’s Carnal Passions, May, 2013
“Search & Rescue” Secret Cravings, July, 2013
“Finding Eve” Champagne Books, September, 2013
“Into the Lyons’ Den” Champagne Books, 2012
“His Obsession” Siren BookStrand, 2012
“His Desire” Siren BookStrand, 2012

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Filed under Rita's World

Graeme Brown – from Paperboy to Fantasy Writer

6am walks and a ten-year-old’s imagination were the starting ingredients for what soon became a rich fantasy world. One hour delivering newspapers to three blocks of houses is lots of extra time to think and make up stories. So make up stories I did. My world had many names, but they always changed. It had many heroes and different stories that evolved over the years to come. As a result, when I found myself able to hold a story together, I had a world that was detailed and as integral to me as the real world I’d grown up in, so it made sense to set my stories there.

I gave up on naming it by the time I was twenty. After all, did people call the our world “Earth” in the medieval days? Nah. It was “the world”, or something like that. Earth game later, when we started thinking of it as a globe, a complete, measurable whole. Before that, it was made up of many places, and the unmapped terrain hinted at uncanny mystery. The ocean stretched away to the west and to the east, disappearing into some unknown darkness where the sun dared not rise, or where it set and never returned. The world, to those whose minds are becoming aware of it, is strange and wonderful. That is the kind of thing I wanted to create. Years later, I had something quite interesting – enough to gon on. Then, when I got started, I found, that process was only beginning. The act of writing stories down has now brought that world to life, and it grows richer every day.

The Pact, which releases this June, is the gateway to an epic set in this world. Enter the magestic castle of Fort Lesterall, join the struggle of the knights of Annon against the Unborn hoarde, discover the strange blend of culture as the ladies from the Southern Isles gather in a banquet hall with popinjays from the Wine Kingdoms; relish the layers of history beneath an ancient legacy, from days of witches to the days of empires and conquerors. Come to this world, where peace takes it final breath and a darkness awakens on a night of fire and blood, a night of prophecy…

Find out more

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Welcome all,
Like to read books set in imaginary places? Do you love to be swept away to somewhere fantastic? I do. In fact, I like it so much that reading is not enough.
I’ve been writing for two decades in the realm of the unordinary, and it always gets more and more interesting. It’s a privilege to be a part of this fine group of authors with the opportunity to share on what I love best.
Join us March 23rd and May 3rd. It will be a blast Graeme Brown

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